203106 Private George Frederick Airey.

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1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 21 October 1918.

Airey was a native of Colne, Lancashire.

From the Colne and Nelson Times of 23 May 1919, Military Medal Presented to Colne Soldier. A pleasing ceremony took place at the Colne Police Court, on Monday morning, when the Chairman of the Bench (Alderman Hewitt-Dean), presented the Military Medal to Corporal F.G. Airey, of the 5th East Lancashire Regiment. Alderman Hewitt-Dean said that Corporal Airey had served since 1916, and on the 18th of June last he was engaged in a bombing raid, in which the attack was successful in achieving their objective. During the attack, Private Airey - as he then was - exhibited great bravery under severe shell-fire. The Military Medal said Alderman Hewitt-Dean, was awarded for bravery in the field, and he was sure it was a pleasure to them to know that a Colne boy should have been successful in winning that medal of distinction. Corporal Airey joined the Army before he was of age. They were glad that he was back again in Colne, and that he had helped to win the victory, and they were also glad the ordeal was over. It was a particular pleasure to him to present the medal, as Corporal Airey had served in the same battalion as two of his sons. They hoped Corporal Airey would live for many years to enjoy the distinction he had gained, that he would carry it as an emblem of what he had achieved, and that it would remain a proud distinction both to him and those who succeeded him. Corporal Airey is the son of Mr. and Mrs Airey, of Granville Street, Colne, and he joined the Army when he was 17 years of age. He went to France in February 1918. Before enlisting he was in the employ of Mr. Curl, greengrocer, and also worked at the dyeworks at Glen Mill, Colne. Two brothers of Corporal Airey have served in the Army.

Another report in the Burnley Express states that the Military Medal was won for "gallantry on the night of June 19-20 in France".