Major John Baron.

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Machine Gun Corps (formerley 1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Awarded the Italian Croce di Guerra in the London Gazette of 29 November 1918.

Baron was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The Burnley Express of reported: - M.C. AND PROMOTION. A large circle of friends will congratulate Captain John Baron, of the Machine Gun Corps, son of Mr. A. Baron J.P. and Mrs. Baron on the award of the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in action on the Italian Front. He has also been "gazetted" to the rank of Major. Major Baron only this week concluded a short leave, which he has spent at Montford. He was originally connected with the 1/5th Battalion East Lancashire Regiment and had seen service in Egypt, Gallipoli and France before proceeding to the Italian Front. While in the east he had an attack of malarial fever, accompanied by deafness and rheumatism, and was invalided from Gallipoli. Major Baron, MC; joined the local territorials when war broke out, and went out to Egypt in September 1914, with the 42nd Division. From May 1915 until he was evacuated from Gallipoli he was in charge of the machine guns of the 5th Battalion.

Although the above report indicates the award of the Military Cross to Baron, no trace can be found. His only award seems to be the one here recorded.