74416 Private Allan Broughton.

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1/7th Battalion Manchester Regiment, attached to 127th Light Trench Mortar Battery.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 17 June 1919.

Broughton was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The Burnley Express of 1 February 1919 reported: - "INTO THE BREACH" M.M. AT 19. Bravery near Solesmes on the 20th October last has resulted in the award of the Military Medal to No. 74416 Private Allan Broughton, 127th Light Trench Mortar Battery, Private Broughton, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Broughton, of 333, Padiham Road, Burnley, originally belonged to the 1/7th Manchester Regiment, and previous to enlisting worked at the Borough Treasure's Office at the Town Hall. He is only 19 years of age, and his name is entered on the roll of honour at the Ightenhill Wesleyan Chapel. The official intimation of the award, which is signed by A. Solly-Flood, G.O.C. 42nd Division, is as follows: - "Awarded the Military Medal for bravery and devotion to duty south west of Solesmes on the 20th October 1918. This man was of a carrying party for a Stokes Mortar. When all the team except one had been killed or wounded, he stepped into the breach and, in the open, under heavy machine-gun fire, continued firing the gun until the ammunition was finished." Private Broughton is at present at home on leave from Belgium, and before parting for England was presented with his medal ribbon.