6945 Private Michael Byrne.

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2nd Battalion, Leinster Regiment.

Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal in the London Gazette of 5 December 1918.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 21 August 1917. Awarded a bar to his Military Medal in the London Gazette of 29 August 1918.

Awarded the Belgium Croix de Guerre in the London Gazette of 4 September 1918.

Byrne was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The citation for the Distinguished Conduct Medal published in the London Gazette reads, " For most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as a stretcher bearer. Whilst under a heavy concentration of enemy artillery fire, he noticed a direct hit on a dug out in which he knew there were many men. He dashed out of his shelter, across 100 yards of open ground, to their assistance. With the assistance of two other bearers he extricated the wounded from the ruin, and made five journeys to and fro over the shell swept zone to the company headquarters, where he dressed all the wounded; subsequently assisting to carry the cases to the regimental aid post in rear, through intensive fire. He had been wounded the previous night, but refused to go sick whilst the men of his company needed his assistance. His behaviour was admirable."

The Burnley Express of 11 June 1919 reported, MEN WHO SCORNED DANGER. EXPLOIT OF TRIPLE MEDALLIST. 6945 Private Michael Byrne, Leinster Regiment, whose home is at 25, Mount Pleasant Street, Burnley has played a great part as battalion stretcher bearer. Byrne is a long time soldier who came home from India to fight on the western Front, and was engaged in the grim stand of the 'Old Contemptibles', in August 1914. His Military Medal was awarded for his work at St. Eloi and Hooge on June 8, 1917. Two platoons were isolated by the enemy, and stretcher cases had to be taken way under an heavy barrage. Private Byrne performed this difficult task in a meritorious manner and with the greatest bravery.

It was on the 24 April 1918 that he won a bar to his Military Medal, for stretcher bearing along a road swept with an enemy barrage. Wounded men were taken into an house but this was soon on fire and they had to be moved again. During this time Byrne did splendid work and showed the greatest courage and initiative.

He won the Croix de Guerre for similar work on Hill 63 in September 1918.