Royal Field Artillery.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 21 September 1916.
Campbell was a native of Worsthorne, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express of 2 September 1916 reported, HONOUR FOR WORSTHORNE. GUNNER GAINS THE MILITARY MEDAL. News reached Worsthorne this week that a native of Worsthorne has been awarded the Military Medal. This gratifying information came to the parents of William Campbell of the Royal Field Artillery whose home is in Gordon Street. The medal has been awarded
to Gunner Campbell for repairing telephone wires whilst under heavy shell fire. Gunner Campbell has been on active service for twelve months, having enlisted in November following the outbreak of the war. In civilian life he was a weaver at the Worsthorne Manufacturing Companies Shed. The parents have also had a congratulating letter from the vicar of St. John's Church with which the soldier was connected.