134th Field Ambulnce, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 9 December 1916.
Cullen was a native of Hapton, Lancashire.
The Burnley News of 7 February 1917 reported, HAPTON MEDALIST. PRESENTATION TO PTE. JAMES CULLEN, R.A.M.C. "A CREDIT TO THE VILLAGE". The Baptist Chapel at Hapton was crowded on Friday evening, when there was a concert and presentation in honour of Private James Cullen, R.A.M.C., who was awarded the Military Medal for bravery during the Somme battles.
Councillor Evans, who presided, said it afford him great pleasure to do so. Private Cullen had shown by his devotion to duty that he was worthy of the honour conferrred upon him.
Mrs. Clarkson, the lady superintendent of the Nursing Division, in a most appropriate speech, presented to Private Cullen, on behalf of the inhabitants of the township of Hapton, a marble clock and two vases, also a gold wristlet watch.
Private Cullen in reply, thanked the chairman and all present.