8th Battalion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Awarded the Military Cross in the London Gazette of 3 March 1917.
The citation published in the London Gazette of 3 March 1917 reads, "For conspicuous gallantry in action. Although severely wounded at the outset of the attack, he collected men from another party, and, advancing to the enemy trench, carried out his orders in detail, bombing the trench for a distance of 60 yards with a coolness and contempt of danger beyond praise."
The Burnley Express of 5 June 1915 reported, SECOND-LIEUTENANCY FOR BURNLEY PRIVATE. Enlisting into the 17th Lancers towards the end of January, Private Harry Dinsdale has shown considerable ability in military work, and has been awarded for this by being given a second-lieutenancy in the Yorkshire Light Infantry. For the last six years, Dinsdale has been an assistant at the Daneshouse branch of J. H. Lupton's grocery and provisions stores. He joined the army at Burnley and tried to join the Life Guards, but at only 5' 10" in height was considered to short.
Stationed at Woolwich, Dinsdale will move to Scarborough, Yorkshire on June 10th to take up his new position with the Yorkshire Light Infantry.