2nd Battalion East Lancashire Regiment.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 6 January 1917.
Awarded a bar to his Military Medal in the London Gazette of 28 September 1917.
Fielding was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express of 16 December 1916 reports, Burnley Weaver Hero. Military Medal for Bravery. Another Burnley soldier has had his bravery acknowledged by the award of the Military Medal. Private. (5907) George Edward Fielding, whose wife and child reside in Parliament Street, and mother at 31, Devonshire Road, Burnley, has written home that he has been awarded the above decoration for "gallantry and bravery in the field." He is in the 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment and has had a long spell of active service. He was weaving at Messrs. Burrows' Brittannia Mill when the war broke out, and he immediately entered the Army, going to the front the following January. He was wounded in the arm on May 9th 1915. He is now again on duty with the Lewis gun section of his regiment. He has two brothers and a brother in law serving; one brother is in Salonika, after having been wounded in the ear in France.
From the Northern Daily Telegraph 1917, Bar and Promotion. Double honour for Burnley Sergeant. Sergeant G.E. Fielding (East Lancashire Regiment), 67, Parliament Street, Burnley, and who was awarded the Military Medal last December, has been awarded a bar to his medal and promoted from Corporal to Sergeant for brilliant work. He was a weaver when war broke out, and was among the first to join the Army. He has seen much heavy fighting, and on May 9th, 1915 was wounded.
The bar was awarded for gallantry on the 31 July 1917, third battle of Ypres.
See also entry for Corporal Bushfield regarding the presentation of the awards in 1918.