240853 Sergeant George Grundy.

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2/5th and 1/5th Battalions, East Lancashire Regiment.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 14 January 1918.

Grundy was a native of Padiham, Lancashire.

From the Burnley News of 23 March 1918, Padiham Footballer. Military Medal for Company. Q.M.Sergeant. C.Q.M.S., George Grundy, 2/5th East Lancashire Regiment, whose home is at 5, Park Road, Padiham, has been awarded the Military Medal for "devotion to duty and helping to re-organise a company when badly shaken, and later rescuing comrades under heavy shell fire." C.Q.M.S., Grundy enlisted in October 1914, and went to France early in 1917. He was a well known Padiham footballer, and since joining up has captained regimental teams in both England and France. He has qualified in gymnasium, musketry, and is a bomb instructor. He is on the roll of honour of St. Matthew's Sunday School, Padiham. He received his decoration at the hands of General Lawrence, at a recent massed parade. "Soldiers Died in the Great War" shows:- Killed in action on the 6 November 1918. Born at St. Helen's, Lancashire. Enlisted at Padiham, Lancashire but was living at Colchester, Essex at this time. Was serving in the 1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment when killed.