23434 (later 203589) Private John Hird.

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2/4th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Awarded the M.M., in the London Gazette of 18 July 1917.

Hird was a native of Colne, Lancashire.

The Burnley Express and Colne and Nelson Times both reported: - MILITARY MEDAL FOR WOUNDED COLNE SOLDIER. Mrs. W. Hird, of 12, Hartley Steet, Colne, has received information that her son, Private John Hird, of the East Lancashire Regiment, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry on the field. Private Hird enlisted in May, 1916, and went to France in August of the same year. He was wounded in the breast and arm in November and was brought to an hospital in London. On recovery he returned to the Front in March this year, and was wounded again on July 22nd, his injury on this occasion being in the leg. In a letter to his mother, Lieutenant J. H. Brotherton, who hails from Burnley, and who is the son of the proprietor of the "Burnley Express" says, "I have the painful duty to inform you that your son has been wounded in th leg. He ask me to write to tell you that he is alright, and I can assure you that when I saw him he was quite comfortable. He was sleeping when I left him in the hands of the R.A.M.C. He was the best lad in the platoon, and I feel wherever he goes he will get on". In a letter to his mother and family, Private Hird says he is getting on well. Prior to enlisting, Private Hird, who is 20 years of age, was employed as a weaver by Messrs. Pilling Ltd. Colne. A brother of Private Hird, Mr. George Hird, who also enlisted in May, 916, and went to France in July that year, was wounded in September, and has now had his right arm amputated. He is now at home having received his discharge from the army.