1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 19 November 1917.
Horne was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.
From the Burnley News of 13 October 1917, HEROIC BURNLEY LAD. AWARDED THE MILITARY MEDAL. EXCITING ORDEAL AS A BATTALION SCOUT. The true hero says little or nothing of his own brave deeds. This is the case of Private Harold Horne, (No. 240311, 1/5th East Lancashire Regiment), son of Mrs. Sagar, of 21, King Street, Burnley, and formerly of 237, Colne Road. Though he has won the Military Medal, in his letters home he hardly mentions the fact. The first intimation his mother received was from a friend of his, Private Leonard Sutcliffe, 1/5th East Lancashires, who, writing early this month, says:- "I cannot find enough words to congratulate you on being the proud mother of a Burnley Military Medal winner. Harold has been awarded this honour for something he has done whilst carrying out his duty as a Battalion Scout. Every man in the battalion, including officers and men, feel very proud of him, and congratulate him heartily on hearing the good news. He is the first to receive that medal in this Regiment (sic), and we only hope that he will live to share it with you and all at home." Later on Private Horne forwarded, with practically no comment, the official intimation. This says: - "On the night of the 16 September, he was detailed as guide to an incoming battalion. When meeting them at Ypres Asylum siding, he was thrown a considerable distance by the explosion of a shell, which killed and wounded several other ranks. Although very badly shaken, he conducted the Company, to which he was detailed, to Birr Cross Roads. This point was being heavily shelled. Failing to find here the platoon guides to whom he was to hand over the Company, he conducted it himself to the neighbouring shelter, and, after himself searching, proceeded through a badly shelled zone, to Battalion Headquarters, at Railway Wood, where he reported, and at once returned with other guides to the Company. Nominally, this man's duty as guide ended at the Birr Cross Roads." Private Horne is the worthy son, of a worthy sire, his late father being Mr. Stephen Horne, who was formerly a Burnley Tram Conductor, and an enthusiastic volunteer. Before the war the son was connected with the Y.M.C.A., Scouts, and when only sixteen he joined the Territorials. When war broke out he was training with the Territorials at Carnarvon, and although only sixteen and a half years old, he volunteered for service abroad, and sailed for Egypt in September 1914. He went through the Dardenelles operations, being wounded in the shoulder and afterwards was at El Arish. In the earlier part of this year he was drafted to France, and on 17 April, after a month there, he came home on leave. Since then he has seen some heavy fighting. He was 19 in March last. Private Horne will have the good wishes of his acquaintances all of that hope that he will come safely through and live to wear his coveted mark of distinction. Full details of this award appear in the Battalion Diary at the Public records Office, Kew.
See also Preston Guardian of 31 October 1917.