2/5th and 11th Battalions, East Lancashire Regiment.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 11 February 1919. Awarded a bar to his M.M. in the London Gazette of 14 April 1919. Awarded the French Croix de Guerre in the London Gazette of 19 June 1919.
Ireland was a native of Padiham, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express reported: - FOUR PADIHAM HEROES HONOURED. MEDALS PRESENTED FOR BRAVE DEEDS. As reported in our Wednesday's issue, on Monday evening, at the Grand Theatre, Padiham, during an interval in the program of pictures, there was an interesting ceremony of presentation of military honours which have been awarded to four Padiham men as follows: - D.C.M. awarded to Corporal Swarbrick, 1/5th East Lancs., whose home is at 6, Milton Street, Padiham, Military Medal and bar, French Croix de Guerre, and Divisional Honour Roses, awarded to Sergeant Roger Ireland, of the 11th East Lancashire Regiment, whose home is at 19, Thompson Street, Padiham. Military Medal to Acting Company Sergeant-Major Richard Law, 2/5th East Lancs., whose home is at 6, Hill Street, Padiham, Military Medal to Private F. Thompson, of the Suffolk Regiment, stretcher bearer, who lives at 7, James Street, Padiham. Councilor Ernest Wiggins, Chairman of the Padiham Urban District Council, presided, and Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, and Mrs. T.W. Waddington, of the Padiham Women's Emergency Association, pinned the medals on the breasts of the four heroes amidst much applause.
The following is the deed which gained the Military Medal for Sergeant Ireland: "During the attack east of Steenwerch, on 5 September 1918, Sergeant Ireland, seeing that the platoon had lost its officers, at once took charge and led the men to the objective in the face of heavy artillery and machine gun fire. Before the objective was reached all the officers of his company had become casualties, and Ireland took charge of the company. He led them forward, and in spite of fierce opposition gained his objective, although few of his company remained. He personally supervised the consolidation of the position, walking about on the top regardless of personal danger, and in the face of a heavy barrage, cheering up and inspiring his men. Ireland's coolness and personal bravery undoubtedly largely assisted in the success of the operation."
Sergeant Ireland won the bar to his Military Medal for the following: "In the attack on Ploegsteet Wood, on 28 September 1918, Sergeant Ireland was in charge of a platoon of the attacking company. In spite of heavy shelling, the platoon, by the skillful and cool leadership of this officer, gained its objective. The attack on the right had been held up, and Sergeant Ireland's platoon was left in the air, and the company was in danger of being surrounded and cut off. At once grasping the situation, this officer threw the platoon into a flanking position, and held his ground in spite of several determined attacks by the enemy. Ireland's cool courage and resource saved a dangerous situation and prevented the enemy from gaining back the ground which had been taken with much sacrifice."