11300 Sergeant James Marshall.

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2/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment (formerly served with the 6th Battalion).

Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal in the London Gazette of 3 September 1918.

Marshall was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The citation for the Distinguished Conduct Medal published in the London Gazette reads, "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This N.C.O., took charge of his platoon when the commander had been killed, and moved forward to a position that was being attacked by the enemy. Though troops in the line were falling back, he kept his men together and held the position until he was ordered to withdraw eight hours later, though during most of the time his right flank was quite unsupported. His intelligent grip of the tactical situation and his gallant conduct were of the greatest value."

The Burnley Express of 18 May 1918 reported, BRICKLAYER'S BRAVERY WINS D.C.M. Word has been received though no record of his act is described, that Sergeant J. Marshall of the East Lancashire Regiment, 11300, has been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. He enlisted in August 1914 and previous to going out to France in January of this year he had served in the Dardenelles. Formerly he was a bricklayer, and connected with St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Burnley Lane. His wife and three children live at 12, Pheasantford Street. Sergeant Marshall is 29 years of age.