9th Battalion Scottish Rifles.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 22 November 1918.
Awarded the French Croix de Guerre in the London Gazette of 22 November 1918.
Marshall was a native of Padiham, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express of 19 September 1918 reported, CROIX de GUERRE AND STAR. Padiham Soldier's French Honour. Private George Herbert Marshall, whose home is at 131, Stockbridge Road, Padiham, has had the gratifying distinction of being awarded the Croix de Guerre and Star by the French. He is one of the large number of young men from Burnley and District who in 1914 rushed into the Scottish Rifles, and he has been in France since early 1915. He secured his honour for his work as a dispatch rider. Aged 31 years, and single, he was formerly a loomer at Mr. H. Noble's Albion Mill. He was also a member of the Oddfellows' Club at Padiham.