47614 Private Norman Scott.

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Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 1 September 1916.

Scott was a native of Wigan, Lancashire but was brought up in Nelson, Lancashire prior to emigrating to Canada.

The Burnley Express of 26 August 1916 reported, MILITARY MEDAL FOR FORMER INSPECTOR'S SON. Supt. Charles Edward Scott, of the South Lonsdale County Constabulary, Skerton, formerly inspector of police at Nelson, on Thursday received notification of the award of the Military Medal to his third son, Signaller Norman Scott, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, for holding his duties as signaller during an heavy bombardment and maintaining communication with the first line. He was employed in the wireless station of a large store in Toronto, when he joined the 3rd University Corps in August, 1915.

He came to Aldershot, England in September last, and has been in France since November last. He was attached to the regimental headquarters signalling department. He has received the congratulations of General MacDonall on the award of the honour.

Born at Wigan, Lancashire on 21 November 1893. He sailed several times to Canada on S.S. Empress of Britain and Lake Champlain working as a Assistant Steward before settling there in 1913.

Registered paper 0137/2812, schedule number 42050.