15732 L/Cpl William Alexander Stuart.

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11th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 29th August 1918.

Stuart was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The Accrington Observer of 20th July 1918 reported, FOUR MILITARY MEDALISTS. Many friends will be pleased to learn that another Accrington "Pal" L/Cpl W.A. Stuart, who is a signaller, has gained the Military Medal whilst serving in France. The news has been received by Mr. Duerden, who resides at 6, King's Road, Accrington. The soldier, though not a resident of the town, is well known here and he enlisted into the "Pals" on their formation. The deed for which he was awarded the medal was for "especially fine work under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, on April 12th and 13th, 1918, at his forward lines between Battalion Headquarters and Company Headquarters. He salved sufficient wire to establish communications and though the line was constantly broken he never failed to repair it thereby maintaining communication from Battalion Headquarters to Company Headquarters throughout the engagement. He showed a fine example of devotion to duty and his efforts undoubtedly contributed largely to the success of the defence of the Fermes Labis and Lynde areas". Lance Corporal Stuart was recently presented with the ribbon by Colonel Rickman and was later congratulated by the General.

The Burnley Express of 18th May 1918 reported: - STEP-BROTHERS GAIN M.M. Mr. and Mrs Stuart, now of Caer Estyn, Caergwrle, near Wrexham, and who up to five years ago resided at Bramble Street, Burnley Lane, have received news that their son, L/Cpl W.A. Stuart, of the Burnley "Pals" has been awarded the Military Medal. His stepbrother Gunner H. Ward, was also awarded the Military Medal eleven months ago, and his portrait appeared in the "Express" at the time. When the family left for Wales five years ago, Signaller Stuart remained in lodgings in Travis Street, he being a weaver at Preston's Bishop House Mill. He enlisted in September 1914, in the Burnley and Accrington "Pals", and is on the Roll of Honour at St. Andrew's Church.

The remainder of the report duplicates the one in the Accrington Observer and Times as above.