8th Battalion Border Regiment.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 21 October 1918.
Tattersall was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express reported, M.M After a Rough Passage. L/Corporal Joseph Tattersall, 23618, of the Border Regiment, whose wife lives at 23, Cobden Street, Burnley has been awarded the Military Medal. In a letter to his wife he says "I am all right at the present after having a rough passage, but you will be suprised to hear that I have won the Military Medal for bravery on the field, and I got the ribbon on my breast on Sunday June 23rd. I will tell you later what action I did to earn it. L/Corporal Tattersall who is 30 years of age enlisted on June 4th, 1915 and went out in September 1915. Formerly a weaver at Stuttard's Barden Mill, he was a well known swimmer in connection with the club at St. Margaret's School. He was a Lewis gunner. He has two brothers serving, one in Ireland and the other in the Navy.
Registered paper 68/121/620, schedule number 188362.