22nd (Service) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, (Kensingtons).
Awarded the Military Medal in the
London Gazette of 26 April 1917.
The Burnley News of Wednesday 2 May 1917 reported, NELSON SIGNALLER AWARDED THE MILITARY MEDAL. Private Ernest Taylor, signaller attached to the Royal Fusiliers, of 23, Bradley-road, Nelson, has been awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous bravery in the field on February 17th and March 10th. He joined the Army soon after the outbreak of war, and has been at the front for 18 months. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, 39, Park-drive, Nelson.
The Burnley News of Wednesday 14 May 1919 reported, NELSON SOLDIER’S BRAVERY. At Nelson, on Saturday, the Mayor (Alderman J. Rickard), presented the Military Medal to Lce. Corpl. Ernest Taylor, Royal Fusiliers, 164, Leeds-road. The medal has been awarded to him for bravery in conveying messages under heavy shell fire during the battle of Petit Miraumont on February 17th and March 10th, 1917.