243878 Sergeant William Threadgold.

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1/4th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (formerly 1775, 1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment).

Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 7 October 1918.

Threadgold was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The Burnley The Burnley Express of 3 May 1919 reported, EIGHT HEROES RECEIVE THEIR MEDALS, amongst whom was 243878 Sergeant William Threadgold of 11, Grey Street, Burnley. Threadgold joined the Burnley Territorials before the war and went out to Egypt with them, he later took part in the fighting in Gallipoli with them. Threadgold was invalided home from the Dardanelles after 18 months service with the Territorials. He was in England for four months before going out to France on the 30 September 1916 with the 1/5th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. He transferred to his present battalion on the 30 January 1918 with whom he stayed before returning home to be demobilised on the 29 March 1919. He is aged 23 years, single, and before enlisting was a cloth looker at Fowler Brothers, Habergham Mill. He attended the Yorkshire Street Baptist Chapel. He received the Military Medal for carrying out a raid when all his officers had been killed.

Corporal Threadgold was wounded in the head and right arm on the 18 May 1918.