101st Field Company, R.E. Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 29 March 1919.
Vale was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.
An award for Italy. The Burnley Express of 28 December 1918 reported, BURNLEY SOLDIERS SPLENDID EXAMPLE. Corporal Arthur Vale (51915) 101 Company, Royal Engineers, of 15, Hebrew Road, Burnley has been awarded the Military Medal. The recommendation reads, "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty under heavy shell fire on the night of October 26/27, 1918, this N.C.O., was in charge of a party detailed to make an anchorage for a flying bridge across the River Piave. He and his party worked for several hours under very heavy shell fire, and it was due to his unwavering courage, his steadfastness, and splendid example that the work was brought to a very successful issue." H. C. Owen, Major.
Vale was formerly a joiner in Burnley and attended Hanover U.M. Sunday School.
Born at Thackley, Yorkshire on the 11 July 1889 and died at Bradford, Yorkshire 1961 aged 72.