20692 Sergeant John Thursby Wigglesworth.

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Royal Engineers.

Awarded the M.S.M., in the London Gazette of 18 October 1916.

Wigglesworth was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The Burnley Express reported, MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL. First Burnley War Award. The first Burnley award of the Meritorious Service Medal during the war has been made to 20692 Acting-Sergeant J. T. Wigglesworth, Royal Engineers. The award was announced in the Supplement to the "London Gazette" of Wednesday, is being made " in recognition of services rendered" during the present war. Sergeant John Thursby Wigglesworth, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wigglesworth of 347, Rossendale Road, Burnley, and was mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's despatch published in "The Times" of June 16th, for gallant conduct in the field. Previous to enlistment in the Royal Engineers as telegraphist, he was for a short time at the Burnley General Post Office, and then transferred to Padiham Post Office, where he was for about three years. He was born on the day that John O. S. Thursby was married, hence his name of John Thursby Wigglesworth, his parents then being members of the Thursby Habitation of the Primrose League. In his very young days he attended Wood Top School, under Mr. Houlden, the present registrar of the Burnley Cemetery. He afterwards attended Mr. W. M. Grant's School at Carlton Road. He is the grandson of the late Mr. Robert Wigglesworth, of Burnley, and is the eldest of a family of twelve, all living. He has been at the front since the very commencement of the war.