1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.
Awarded the Military Medal in the London Gazette of 27 June 1918.
Wilson was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.
The Burnley Express of July 1918 reported, INFLICTED HEAVY LOSSES. Official notification has been received that the Military Medal has been awarded to Corporal James Wilson, of the 1/5th East Lancashires, whose home is at 67, Burns Street, Burnley. He is 24 years of age, single, and formerly worked as a weaver at Nelson, although living in Burnley. He enlisted in 1914, and went out the same year to Egypt, going through the Dardanelles campaign, and afterwards being drafted to France. The official notification of the award reads; "for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on March 25th, 1918, near Gomiecourt. His section was advancing to the ridge when the enemy was observed coming towards them. With great promptitude Corporal Wilson brought his gun into action and engaged the enemy in the sunken road. Although in an exposed position under heavy shell and machine-gun fire, he continued to fire his gun and successfully dispersed the enemy party with heavy losses."