Gabbott, T |
Corporal | Royal Artillery |
Gabe |
Battery Sergeant Major | Royal Artillery |
Gale, H |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Gall, J |
Fusilier |
Gallager, A |
Signalman | Royal Signals |
Gallagher, F | 4862684 | Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |
Gallagher, H |
Private |
Gallagher, P |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Gamble, Tom |
Private | Loyal Regiment |
Gamson, Albert |
Driver |
Gamson, J |
Fusilier |
Gamson, Marion |
Civilian | NAAFI |
Gardner, Alex |
Private |
Garlick, R |
Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |
Garner, Alex |
Garner, Edward |
Air Fitter | Fleet Air Arm |
Garnett, Harold | 3250719 | Rifleman |
Garnett, Leslie |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Garrett, Arthur Thomas | 1543513 | Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Garrett, D W |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Garrett, J |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Garside, W |
Sergeant |
Garstang, Dennis |
Driver | Royal Artillery |
Garstang, Ernest |
Stoker | Royal Navy |
Garstang, Frank |
Captain | 6th Airbourne Division |
Garstang, W |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Garth, H |
2nd Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Garvey, Frank |
Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |
Gaughan, Jack |
L/Bombardier | Royal Artillery |
Gaukroger, T |
Sergeant |
Gavaghan, Bridget |
Private | Womens Land Army |
Gavey, Thomas |
Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Gavin, T |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gawthorpe, B |
Private |
Gawthorpe, S |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gaylor, B L |
Geard, Harry | 3532888 | Private | Devonshire Regiment |
Geard, William |
Private |
Gee, Edith | 2083015 | Private | Womens Auxiliary Air Force |
Gee, Edward |
Gee, Edward |
Gunner | Maritime Regiment |
Gee, Henry |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gee, J |
Gee, Reg |
Private | 14th Army, South East Asia |
Geldard, Edward |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gent, George |
2nd Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gent, H |
Private |
Gent, Joseph | R/JX 372582 | Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |
Geoghegan, A |
Private |
George, Frederick |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gerrety, T | 10552021 | L//Sergeant | Royal Army Ordnance Corps |
Gibb, Donald | 3533938 | Private | 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment |
Gibbings, Martin |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gibbons, J |
2nd Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gibbons, K |
Private | Durham Light Infantry |
Giblin, Joseph | 3784018 | Corporal | 7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry |
Gibson, F |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gibson, James |
Captain | Royal Artillery |
Gibson, James |
Captain | Royal Artillery |
Gibson, Leonard |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gibson, Walter |
Private | Sussex Regiment |
Gifford, B |
Corporal | Royal Marines |
Gilbert |
Driver | Royal Army Service Corps |
Gilbert, Albert |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gilbert, Alfred |
Private | Royal Army Medical Corps |
Gilbert, James |
Corporal | Reconnaissance Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps |
Gilbert, Robert |
Private | Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) |
Gilbert, Wilfred |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gilford, Charles |
Corporal | Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
Gilford, Robert |
Corporal | Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
Gill |
Cadet | Royal Air Force |
Gill, Arthur |
Driver | East Lancashire Regiment |
Gill, B |
Telegraphist | Royal Navy |
Gill, F |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gill, Jack |
Sergeant |
Gill, John |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gill, Thomas |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gill, Thomas | RC 11021 | Captain | Royal Indian Army Ordnance Corps |
Gill, William |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gillespie, Henry |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gillespie, John |
Private | Kings Liverpool Regiment |
Gillespie, Thomas |
Private | South Lancashire Regiment |
Gillet, J |
Gilliver, Raymond |
Guardsman | Grenadier Guards |
Gilmour, R |
Home Guard |
Gilmour, W.R |
Gilroy, R L |
Glasgow, Gordon | 1454286 | Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Glasgow, Jack |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Gledhill, Eric Robertson |
Radio 1st Officer | Merchant Navy |
Glegg, Alan |
Lieutenant | Royal Signals |
Glen, A |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Glough, Harold |
Private |
Glough, Walter |
Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Glover, John |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Glover, Phillip | 2818113 | Corporal | Seaforth Highlanders |
Glover, W | DU/X 164171 | Able Seaman |
Glynn, J |
Private |
Goldingay, W E |
Sergeant |
Goldsach, M |
Goldsmith, C | 15544101 | Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Goldsworthy, Josiah | 4394603 | Private | Yorkshire Regiment, (Green Howards) |
Goldsworthy, William |
Private |
East Lancashire Regiment and Pioneer
Gomersall, |
Lieutenant | Royal Artillery |
Goodall, J P | 3059289 |
Royal Scots |
Goodall, Roy |
Sergeant Pilot | Royal Air Force |
Goodier, Richard | 4183888 | Sergeant | Royal Artillery |
Goodwin, F |
Craftsman | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
Goodwin, S |
Goodyear, F T |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Goom, W |
Sub Lieutenant | Fleet Air Arm (Technical branch) |
Gordon, C J |
Gordon, E |
Gordon, J |
Stoker 1st Class | Royal Navy |
Gordon, R | 2238896 | Private | Durham Light Infantry |
Gordon, W |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Gorton, A C |
Cadet |
Gorton, George |
Corporal | Royal Pioneer Corps |
Gorton, H |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Gorton, J |
Stoker 2nd Class | Royal Navy |
Gorton, J T |
Private |
Gorton, James |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force (VR) |
Gorton, R |
Private |
Gosland, Frank |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gothorpe, Tom |
Sergeant | Military Police (SBI) |
Gotthardt, Clifford |
L/Bombardier | Royal Artillery |
Gotthardt, Tom |
Driver | Royal Artillery |
Gough, A |
L/Corporal |
Goulding, Ernest |
Goulding, T S |
Gunner | Royal Artillery (TA) |
Gouldsbrough, H |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gouldsbrough, J |
L/Corporal |
Gowers |
Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Gowers, J |
Private | Womens Land Army |
Graham, A |
Corporal | East Lancashire Regiment |
Graham, Albert |
Craftsman | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
Graham, Arthur | 3387446 | Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Graham, Arthur |
Bombardier | 154 Battery, 52 Lt AA Regiment, Royal Artillery |
Graham, C | 14360867 | Craftsman | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
Graham, Ernest | C/MX 116802 | Mechanic | Royal Navy |
Graham, Fred |
Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Graham, Fred | 1112178 | Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Graham, Harry |
Gunner | Royal Air Force |
Graham, Henry A | 4976264 | Private | Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment |
Graham, James | 304427 | Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy, HMS Obdurate & HMS Speaker |
Graham, James | D/JX 304477 | Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |
Graham, Leonard |
Private |
Graham, M L | W/211263 | Private | Auxiliary Territorial Service |
Graham, R |
Graham, Thomas |
Corporal |
Graham, Thomas Edward | 3653653 | L/Sergeant | Army Catering Corps |
Graham, Tom |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Grant, Arthur |
L/Corporal | Royal Army Medical Corps |
Grant, Gerald R |
Leading Telegraphist | Royal Navy |
Grant, Harry | 113063 | Captain | 1st Battalion, Loyal (North Lancashire) Regiment |
Granville, K |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Grassham, C |
Private |
Gratix, Fred |
Gratrix, Fred |
Sergeant | Royal Artillery |
Gratrix, Stanley |
Gratrix, Stanley |
Private |
Grave, Clifford | 1441561 | Trooper | Royal Armoured Corps |
Graves, Ernest |
Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Graves, Harry |
Bombardier | Royal Artillery |
Graves, Thomas H |
Captain |
Gray, W |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greathead, A |
Trooper | Royal Armoured Corps |
Greaves, J | 14337101 | Pioneer | Royal Pioneer Corps |
Greavy, Jon |
L/Corporal | Chindits |
Green, A |
L/Corporal |
Green, Albert |
Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Green, Arthur |
Green, Arthur |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Green, C |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Green, C T |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Green, E |
Fusilier |
Green, E |
Private | Royal Army Ordnance Corps |
Green, Ernest | 109098 | Corporal | Royal Army Service Corps |
Green, Ernest |
L/Corporal | East Lancashire Regiment |
Green, F |
Gunner |
Green, George |
Civilian |
Green, H |
Assistant Cook |
Green, H | 4537272 | Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Green, H | Corporal |
Green, Henry | 577368 | Pilot Officer | Royal Air Force |
Green, Henry |
Corporal | 1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment |
Green, Horace |
Corporal |
Green, J |
Sergeant | Royal Army Ordnance Corps |
Green, James |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Green, James |
Sergeant | 1st & 5th Battalions, East Lancashire Regiment |
Green, James |
Sergeant | 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment |
Green, James |
Leading Coder | Royal Navy |
Green, K |
Private |
Green, Nicholas |
Gunner | Light AA Battery, Royal Artillery |
Green, O |
Fusilier |
Green, R |
Corporal |
Green, R |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Green, Richard |
Private | Border Regiment |
Green, Richard Hardwick | 7942193 | Trooper | 4th (London) Yeomanry, Royal Armoured Corps |
Green, S |
Corporal |
Green, Stanley |
Signalman |
Green, T |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Green, William |
Private | Royal Pioneer Corps |
Greenall, C |
Corporal |
Greenall, E N |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenall, Gertrude Mary | W/268482 | Private | Auxiliary Territorial Service |
Greenbank, Dennis | P/JX 715789 | Leading Seaman | Royal Navy |
Greenfield, E |
Aircraftswoman | Womens Auxiliary Air Force |
Greenhalgh, S T |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Greenhall, Walter |
Royal Air Force |
Greenhaugh, Cecil |
Major | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
Greenhaugh, George Ferguson |
Radio Officer | Merchant Navy |
Greenhaugh, Harry F |
Radio Officer | Merchant Navy |
Greenhaugh, William |
Greenhaulgh, John |
Signaller | Royal Navy |
Greenwood, A |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, A |
Greenwood, Arthur |
Greenwood, Bernard |
Greenwood, Betty |
Private | Womens Land Army |
Greenwood, C |
Private |
Greenwood, E A |
Greenwood, Ethel |
Private | Auxiliary Territorial Service |
Greenwood, F |
Fusilier |
Greenwood, F H |
Marine | Royal Navy |
Greenwood, Frank |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Greenwood, Fred |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Greenwood, George |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, George |
Greenwood, H |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, Harold |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, Harry |
Private |
Greenwood, J |
Marine | Royal Marines |
Greenwood, J |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Greenwood, J |
Signalman |
Greenwood, Jack |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, John |
Royal Artillery |
Greenwood, Joseph |
Royal Air Force | |
Greenwood, Joyce |
Wren | Womens Royal Naval Service |
Greenwood, Samuel |
Gunner | AA Maritime Regiment, Royal Artillery |
Greenwood, Tom |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Greenwood, Tom |
L/Corporal |
Greenwood, W |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy |
Greenwood, W A |
Private |
Greenwood, Walter |
Greenwood, William K |
Stoker | Royal Navy |
Greenwwod, W |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gregg, Allan | 3529075 | Private |
Gregg, B |
Gregg, Frank | 3528293 | Private |
Gregory, A |
Gregory, Alan |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gregory, Alfred |
Private | Border Regiment |
Gregory, E | 3386404 | Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gregory, George |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gregory, George |
Bombardier | Royal Artillery |
Gregory, Harry |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Gregory, Jack | 1005552 | Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Gregory, Jack |
Corporal | Pioneer Corps |
Gregory, Leonard |
Private |
Gregory, Stuart |
Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Gregory, T |
Private |
Gregson, C |
Lieutenant | Light AA Regiment, Royal Artillery |
Gregson, E |
L/Corporal |
Gregson, G |
Gregson, Herbert | 1062058 | Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force |
Gregson, L |
Private |
Gregson, Walter S |
Private | King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment |
Gregson. R W |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Grey, J M H |
Captain | Royal Artillery |
Gribbins, J |
Private |
Grice, R |
Stoker 1st Class | Royal Navy |
Grice, Richard |
Army |
Griffin, Albert Edward | 1130611 |
52 Anti Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery |
Griffin, J P |
Seaman | Royal Navy |
Griffiths, A |
Gunner | Royal Artillery |
Griffiths, Hughie |
Royal Air Force |
Griffiths, Ian Raymond |
Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy |
Griffiths, P H |
Bombardier | Royal Artillery |
Griffths, Arthur |
Griffths, Rolf |
Lieutenant | Royal Navy |
Grimes, H |
Private | East Lancashire Regiment |
Grimes, J |
Sapper | Royal Engineers |
Grimes, M |
Leading Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Grimshaw, A | R/273164 | Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Grimshaw, Arthur |
4/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment
Grimshaw, D |
Grimshaw, E L |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy |
Grimshaw, J |
Sergeant | Royal Artillery |
Grimshaw, Ronald |
Grimshaw, S | P/JX 221542 | Able Seaman |
Groarke, V T |
L/Corporal |
Groom, R | 119359 | Driver | Royal Army Service Corps |
Grove, Ernest |
Corporal |
Grundy, Clifford | K/X 103355 | Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy |
Grundy, R | 14467496 | Corporal | Green Howards |
Grundy, Richard C |
Officer | Royal Armoured Corps |
Gudgeon, James | 3387522 |
Border Regiment |
Gudgeon, John Ellis |
Private |
Gunn, G |
Sergeant |
Guthrie, B | 97576 |
Auxiliary Territorial Service |
Guthrie, William | 4208290 | Private | Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
Gutteridge, A |
Private |
Gutteridge, J E |
1st Class Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force |
Gutteridge, Tom |
Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy |