Joseph Ainsworth Sergeant
Missing Mrs. Ainsworth, of 40, Railway Terrace, Padiham, has received official notification that her husband, Sergt. Joseph Ainsworth (6174), of the 1st East Lancashire Regiment, is reported missing from July 1st. Thirty seven years of age, Sergt. Ainsworth served eleven years with the colours, seven of which he did in India. Before the war he was a weaver at Crescent Mill, Padiham. A fortnight after the outbreak of war he re-joined his old regiment. His brother is serving with the Padiham Company of the Burnley Territorials. Lieut. W. Daly commanding “B” Company, has written to Mrs. Ainsworth stating: “I regret
to have to inform you that your husband, Sergt. J. Ainsworth, has been
missing since the 1st July. He took part in operations on the 1st July,
and went forward with his men to the German trenches. Since then he has
not been seen, and nothing can be traced about him so far. He was last
seen in the German trenches, near Captain Browne, his company officer,
who was taken prisoner, and I sincerely hope that he is amongst this party
and a prisoner of war. I hope that you will soon hear that he is safe
and well. Please accept my sincere sympathy in your great anxiety. Sergt.
Ainsworth is a great loss to us. He was a good brave soldier, and was
the life of his men. If I hear of new ………………..