Worsthorne with Hurstwood Parish
Room Memorial
"In loving memory of those that fell in the Great
War from 1914-1918"
'Nobly Fought"
Harry Astin |
Alfred Beilby |
William Borden |
Henry Ganby |
James Gudgeon |
Ernest Johnson |
Herbert Nuttall |
Herbert Shaw |
George Sutcliffe |
Whittam Stanworth |
John Whittam |
"Nobly Fell"
The following men from the Sunday School died but are not indicated as
such on the roll of honour
Frank Addison kia 05/04/1918
Harry Astin kia 19/08/1918
William Henry Barber kia 23/03/1918
Henry Canby dow 08/09/1919
George Sutcliffe dow 01/10/1918