Private Harold Blezard MM
38506 Machine Gun Corps
Formerly 28473 8th East Lancashire Regiment
Lived at 11 Lorne Street
Burnley Express 31st
August 1918 - 31st
August 2018
MM London Gazette 9th July 1917
of Percy Blezard
Burnley Express 31 August 1918
MODEST AND YOUTHFUL. A Burnley Military Medallist
Private Harold Blezard, formerly of the East Lancashire Regiment, and
now in the M.G.C., a modest and youthful hero, who lives at 11, Lorne
Street, was decorated with the Military Medal at the Burnley Palace on
Wednesday evening. The Mayor, in the presence of a large and enthusiastic
audience presented it. There were also on the stage the Deputy-Mayor,
Major Whitehead, and Mr. H.G. Wrigley (Deputy-Town Clerk). The Mayor read
the record for which the award was made. "On April 28th last year
the East Lancashire Regiment, in which the soldier was then a runner,
was advancing against the Germans, and got out of communications at Gavrelle.
Private Blezard carried two messages, one in the morning, and the other
in the afternoon, under heavy fire, covering a distance of 500 yards on
each occasion". Proceeding, his Worship said he was always more than
pleased to pin the medal on the breast of any Burnley lad who might have
the good fortune to win one. They knew well they were a great many men
that deserved medals but never got them. They now met under very much
brighter prospects than those under which they used to meet. We had had
to pass through a long night, but thank God, the day was at last dawning.
We had turned on the Huns, and they were being driven back towards their
own country. May they soon get there! No doubt they would like us to forget
many things. Their friends, the pacifists, were in a difficulty to find
excuses for them, and to get us to forget the many things we in this country
could never forget - the sinking of the Lusitania, the sinking of hospital
ships with wounded on board, the murder of Nurse Cavell, and the fate
of Captain Fryatt. They blamed them on the Kaiser and his crew, but it
was not the Kaiser who poured cold water on the ground in the sight of
our wounded prisoners after they had travelled three days and nights.
That was not the work of the Kaiser and his officers.
The German people did it, by German women. We all rejoiced to see the
papers these mornings, and to read of the fine work our armies and our
Allies were doing at the present time. There was no doubt about how it
would end, but don't let us talk peace yet. We must beat them until they
have nothing left to fight with, and then they must be tried for their
deeds. The medal having been pinned on the uniform of Private Blezard
by the Mayor, the former replied thus to a demand for a speech:- "Ladies
and Gentlemen - I thank you for your kind appreciation, but so far as
a speech goes, you are unlucky." Private Blezard is 21 years of age.
He joined up in August 1916, and went on active service in December of
that year. In civil life he was a weaver at Grey's Cameron Mill, and previously
he attended Heasandford School. On March 28th of this year he was wounded
in the fighting on the Somme by a machine-gun bullet in the calf of the
right leg. He is a grandson of Mr. Blezard, mineral water manufacturer
Blezard, survived the hell of WW1 to return home to Burnley, have a family
and live to the wonderful age of almost 93.He was an Ironmonger Peter.
When I was a child in the 60s he had a shop on Abel Street. He taught
me to weigh nails and cut keys and my brother ( Paul Blezard) was his
paraffin boy"
of Sandra Byrne)
