Private John Driver Dawson MM
12271 Coldstream Guards
Born in Cliviger, resided Burnley
Died in Burnley September 1965
Burnley Express 26th
October 1918
MM London
Gazette of 28 September 1917
(Burnley Express & Advertiser 26th October
Mrs. James Reid of 30, Cuerdale Street, Burnley
has received word that her brother, Private John D. Dawson, 12271, was
wounded in the left shoulder and is now in hospital in Cardiff. This is
the second time he has been wounded, and he was gassed in the battle of
La Basse in March, 1915. The soldier is only 23 years of age, but he has
served 3 years and eight months in France and Belgium. He won the Military
Medal in July 1917. There is a brother in law serving in France who has
been out over three years in France.
He enlisted on the 10 September 1914 and went out to France on the 17
March 1915. He was discharged on the 4 March 1919 due to, 'gunshot wound
to the left shoulder'. He also appears on the medal rolls for the award
of the 1914/15 Star, British War and Victory Medals in addition to his
Military Medal; he is also on the Silver War Badge List, CG/265 for the
award of badge number B/169815.