Private Abraham Hargreaves
477626 214th Labour Corps
Formerly 28650 2nd East Lancashire Regiment
Lived at 7 Hall Street
(also recorded at 4 Robert Street)
in March 1971 aged 92
was born on the 25 March 1879 at Bacup, Lancashire.
1881 - Banks's Farm, Newchurch in Rossendale aged 2.
1891 - Old Clough Farm, Newchurch in Rossendale, aged 12 a yarn lacer.
1901 - Old Clough Farm, Newchurch in Rossendale, aged 22 a cotton weaver.
1911 - Old Clough Farm, Newchurch in Rossendale, aged 32 a cotton weaver.
He moved to Burnley circa 1912 for employment as a weaver and lived initially
at 3, Hall Street. He married Susannah Jackson on the 1 October 1913 and
moved in with her at 7, Hall Street, Burnley. He was still living at this
address on the 14 August 1916 when he enlisted into the 2nd Battalion,
East Lancashire Regiment (number 28650). At some point in late 1917 he
was wounded and went to hospital at New Brighton, Cheshire. He was then
transferred into the Labour Corps on the 18 December 1917 and became 477626
Private, 214th (DW) Employment Company, Labour Corps.
He was discharged on the 20 March 1919 and his documents were sent to
his home at 7, Hall Street, Burnley . His British War and Victory Medals
are shown on the Medal Roll as returned unclaimed - possibly due to change
of address?
Following the war he took over his father's farm on the death of his brother
= Old Clough Farm, Newchurch in Rossendale, Lancashire.
(all information and photographs courtesy
of Dave Ingham)
The group of soldiers of the Liverpool and East Lancashire regiments he
is clean shaven and standing - 2nd left - I presume these are men of the
214th Company, Labour Corps?

The photo of the men at the hospital -
he is sitting at the front right.

portrait photo is signed Abraham and on the rear says 'to Clara'.