Lieutenant Alfred Bernard Jinks (photograph
courtesy of Cia Mason)
I am writing regarding
my great grandfather Alfred Bernard Jinks. Who was a member of the 1st
East Lancs RFA. I know he was sent to Egypt on the 20th of September 1914
along with his brother Herbert Jinks (who was probably in the same battery
and also survived the war). Herbert is known to have been in Gallipoli
after and it is likely Alfred was too. From what I have been able to find
on the internet, it seems likely they were sent to France following this.
Alfred was certainly still in the army late in 1918. If you have any information
that could help me add anything to his story, particularly where he may
have been deployed to after Egypt, I would be most gratefull. His regimental
numbers are: 872 and 700204. He was promoted on the 15th of August 1918
from Cadet to 2nd Lieutenant. His second regimental number confirms he
was part of 210 BDE, RFA TF/ 1/1 E LANCS after 1917?.