Gunner Elijah Isherwood
112161 Royal Garrison Artillery (Clearing Office)
Died of Wounds 19th September 1917, aged 31
Lived on Grange Street (later 299 Cog Lane)
Buried in Burnley Cemetery, UK
Burnley Express 29th September 1917

"Elijah Isherwood was my grandfather he had three children to his wife Annie, one of whom was my mother Mary Isherwood - Heseldon. I also remembered that he had died at home from shrapnel wounds in his kidneys. The 'God Squad' had told him that he was entering into paradise and he was reputed to have thought that he was leaving it as he was leaving a wife he loved and small children and a place he was happy to live in.
I always think that this man sacrificed all to give me freedom - a humbling thought. "

(Courtesy of Anita Heseldon)




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