The Western Front Association East Lancashire Branch


Chairman Andrew Gill 01282 422772Treasurer Brian Hirst 01282-786629


Meetings held at Nelson House - Nelson Square, Burnley BB11 1LA
Meetings to start at 8pm
Click here for directions

Meetings Calendar- 2014


January 29th  "2014 The Great War Centenary" - Members Open
February 26th "Shall I ever dance again?" Great Uncles War Diary Oct.1915 - May 1917- Richard Paczko
March 26th "Bloody April" - Peter Hart
April 30th "They did not grow old" - Teenage Conscripts on the Western Front 1918 - Tim Lynch
May 28th "Trench Warfare Division" - John Sneddon
June 25th "Haig, Foch, Pershing, and the battle of St Mihiel September 1918 - Mike O'Brien
July 30th "The Contemptibles" - Terry Dean
August 27th "The guns of Le Cateau 26th August 1914" - Vern Littley
September 24th "Serre 1916" - Sean Goddfrey
October 29th "Benedictine and the East Lancashire Regiment" - Denise North
November 26th "The Battle of Messines" - Rob Thompson
December 17th "Dare all except dishonour" - Burnley Lads Club in the Great War - Andrew Gill

Meetings Calendar- 2010-2011

Meetings Calendar- 2011-2012

Meetings Calendar 2013

Meetings Calendar 2015