Joseph Willetts MM
L/8941 Royal Field Artillery C Battery 34th Bde.
Lived at 1 Guy Street
Burnley Express 9/6/1917
- 6/5/1919
"I know that he was born
in Staffordshire and moved to Burnley when he was small and I know he's
buried in Burnley cemetery"
(Courtesy of his Great Niece Jayne)
brothers Joseph Willetts MM 8941 RFA
William Willetts, enlisted 10
Dec 1915, Lancashire Fusiliers Pte 34016
Cyril Willetts, Pte 40321 E Lancs 4.
sons of Isaac Willetts, 1870, from Staffordshire and his wife Mary Earp,
1868, West Bromwich.
(Courtesy of John Dyer)

(Towneley Hall Collection - Reverse)

(Towneley Hall Collection)