Kaine James 145912. Pte. MGC.15th.Sec. Bracewell St.6.
Kaine John 40231. AB. RN.HMS Watchman, Bracewell St.6.Later 7.Cardinall St.
Kaine William   Dvr. ASC. Bracewell St.6.Later 9.Cardinall St.
Kaine William 13315. L/Cpl. KRRC.17(S)(British Empire League)117 Bd-39 D Abel St 75
Kane Edward 7489 Pte Scottish Rifles_1 Brennard St 13
Kay Adam 50410. Cpl. Suffolk R.1/5th TF. Catlow St.
Kay Alan 35942. Pte. Loyal N.Lan.R.1st.2 Bde-1 Div. Celia St.3.
Kay Alexander 112299. Pte. E Lancs 6(S)K-1.38 Bde-13(Western)Div. Livingstone St.24.
Kay Arthur 16100. Gnr. RFA. St Cuthbert St.34.
Kay Francis Roche     RN Burnley Lane
Kay Frank 4131. Cpl. (Kings).Dragoon Gds.1st.Indian Cav.Bde. Ashfield Rd.14.
Kay Harry 9245. Shoe/Smith. AVC.40th.Mobile Sec. Briercliffe Rd.321.
Kay J R 5689 Sgt E Lancs  
Kay James Wallace MM 8779. Pte. Manchesters 2nd Att 21st 6th City. Ford St.30.
Kay James 418811. Pte. MT/ASC.977. Whittaker St.15.
Kay James 30871. Pte. E Lancs 3rd.(Reserve)Btn. Newman St.2.
Kay James 30071. Pte. E Lancs 11th (S).94 Bde-31 Div. Curzon St.109 & 26 Cuerdale St.
Kay John 20009. Pte. RAMC. Newman St.2.
Kay John Calvert        
Kay Joseph 40329. Pte. SWB.10th.(S)Btn.(Gwent)115 Bde-38(Welsh)Div. Marquis Place.6.
Kay Louis 503252. Pte. E Lancs 1st.11 Bde-4 Div. Bright St,9.Padiham.
Kay Luke 112305. Pte. RAMC.(General Hospital).49th. Wilton St.21.
Kay Peter 588038.. Pte. Labour Corps. Penny St.11.
Kay Robert 13837. Pte. KORLR. Newman St.2.
Kay Robert 71778. L/Cpl. RWF. Grey St.46.
Kay Samuel 0171635. Pte. MT-ASC.No-DM2/0171835. Cleaver St.149.
Kay Thomas 329896. L/Cpl. MT-ASC. Piccadilly Rd.94.
Kay Thomas 71778. L/Cpl. Welsh Regt.3rd(Reserve)Btn.(Tees Garrison)UK Murray St.32.
Kay Walter 18856. Pte. Labour Corps. Ardwick St.93.
Kay Walter Randle 211260. Lt/Cadet. RFA. Colbran St.67.
Kay Walter Sidney A/391534. Pte. Canteen.191. Wyynotham Et.49.
Kay William 19216. Pte. E Lancs 6th(Service).K-1.38 Bde-13(Western)D Cog Lane.203.
Kay William   Capt. Manchester R.3rd.(Reserve).att.2rd.96 B-32 D  
Kay William MM 73058 Private 15th Welsh Regiment  
Kay William MM & Bar 27875. L/Cpl. Loyal N.Lan.R.3(Res)B Coy-5 Plt. Rumley Rd.61.Later Bromsgrove Rd.12.
Kayley Farron 203228 Pte East Lancashire Regiment Belford Street 1
Kean Oswald 44053 L/Cpl Cheshire Yeo_2/1 Admiral St 16
Keaney Richard 1288173 Pte MGC A_Coy_51st Highland Div Princess St 12
Keaney Walter 24693 Pte E Lancs_11 (S) 94 Bde 31 Div Princess St 8
Keans George Henry 268366 Pte Cheshire R_13 (S) 74 Bde 25 Div Herbert St 13
Keans Walter 202859 Pte E Lancs_2/4 TF 198 Bde 66 Div Sefton Terrace 10
Keers John   Pte Black Watch Padiham Rd 290
Keers John   Lieut Rifle Bde_11 (1st Garrison) Lark St 10
Keirby James William 604018 Pte RE Gannow Lane 108
Keirby James William 69408 Pte Cheshire R_1/6 TF Bramble St 6
Keirby Walter 2202 Sgt RFA A/93 Bde 31 Div  
Keirby William 38027 Pte Labour Corps_64 21 Div Gannow Lane 108
Keithley Charles Edwin 82330 Pte Cheshire R_51 (Graduated) 194 Bde 65 Div Lynhurst Rd 31
Keithley George William W/5572 Dvr RFA - 119 Bde 40 Div Duerden St 19
Keithley James 58654 AM 1 RAF Bleak House
Keithley Samuel   Lieut RE Bleak House*Later 158 Coalclough Lane
Keithley Willie 700853 Dvr RFA B/210 Bty 42 Div Powell St 17
Kellett Foster 4577 Pte Northamptonshire R_8 (S)K-4 103 B 34 Div Leyland Rd 5
Kelley Norman        
Kelley W        
Kellock William 137987 L/Bdr RFA Burnley FC Player
Kelly Albert 11858 Sgt/Fiier RAF No 3 Aircraft Dept France Howar St 23
Kelly Anthony 20734 Pe Labour Corps_40 13 Div Ashworth St 26
Kelly E        
Kelly Francis       Anne St 66
Kelly Hugh 6008 CSM*Lieut E Lancs_6 (S)K-1 38 Bde 13 Div Bank St 5
Kelly J 7879 Pte E Lancs  
Kelly James 241225 Pte E Lancs_1/5 TF 126 Bde 42 Div Top St 12
Kelly James Matthew 13364 Sgt E Lancs_9 (S)K-3 65 Bde 22 Div Padiham Rd 704
Kelly John 9366 Pte RAMC 8 3rd Div Cog Lane 206
Kelly John (Jun) 8147 Pte Connaught Rangers_1 Stafford St 6
Kelly John Francis 437374 Dvr ASC 4 Stock St 24
Kelly John Francis 130490 Pte Royal Fus_46 (S) HQ 5 Stock St 24
Kelly Joseph 280757 Gnr RFA Olympia St 58* Formerly 66 Anne St
Kelly Michael 183555 Dvr ASC MT Olympia St 58
Kelly Michael 202463 Pte Loyal NLR Stock St 24
Kelly Michael 290 OS RN HMS_Archangel Stock St 24
Kelly Michael 17640 Pte Sherwood Foresters_15 (S)(Nottingham)Bantam Kay St 1
Kelly Robert   Pte Labour Corps_92 1 Plt 3 Sec 31 Div Arkwright St 10
Kelly Robert Benjamin 194156 Dvr RFA Bde 398 Hufling Lane 78
Kelly Walter 23526 Pte Indian Army_Depot OBLI Clifton St 2
Kelly William Victor L/14490 Trp Surrey Yeo (Queen Marys)  
Kemp James Thomas 32820 Pte RE Sandygate 101
Kemp Joseph 19644 Pte E Lancs_9 (S)K-3 65 Bde 22 Div Sandygate 101
Kempsey Edward 28360 Pte Shropshire Lt_Inf_7 (S)K-3 76 Bde 25 Div Hammerton St 61
Kendall Charles   Pte E Lancs Rowley St 26
Kendall Edward 17673 Pte E Lancs_8 (S)K-3 74 Bde 25 Div  
Kendall Francis 15733 Pte E Lancs_1 11 Bde 4 Div Hollingreave Rd 63
Kendall Harry   Pilot RFC Lindale Cresant
Kendall Herbert 228330 Pte Labour Corps Towneley St 10
Kendall Thomas 316419 Cpl Middlesex R_1/8 TF March St 20
Kendall Walter 130514 Pte MGC 34 11 Div Royal Rd 11
Kennedy Albert Joseph 382363 Dvr ASC Harrison St 14
Kennedy Charles (Jun) 35109 Pte E Lancs_9 (S)K-3 65 Bde 22 Div Bedford St 5
Kennedy Charles (Sen) 6779 Pte RDC Coy_318 Bedford St 5
Kennedy J   Pte E Lancs 1st Allerton St
Kennedy James 5159 Sko RN HMS_Temarane Temple St 26* Formerly 26 Grimshaw St
Kennedy John 127840 Pte RAMC ELFA 1/2 TF 42 Div Laithe St 69
Kennedy Vincent T/28853 AB RN HMS_Caroline Hughes St 9
Kenneford Joseph   Pte Cheshire R Anne St 37
Kennerley Charles 35109 Pte E Lancs_9 (S) Vicarage Place 3
Kennerley William 91316 Dvr RE Fld_Coy_131 Plover St 9* Formerly 36 Gannow Lane
Kenney J H 10623 Cpl E Lancs  
Kenniford William L/713 Dvr RFA C/Bty 48 Bde 16 Div Anne St 22
Kenny John Thomas 526583 Pte Labour Corps_132 Healeywood Rd 104
Kenny Thomas 681712 Gnr RFA Norton St 19
Kensington Vernon 379539 L/Cpl Labour Corps Cog Lane 3
Kent Fred Howard M2/183964 Cpl ASC MT_707 Lebannon St 24
Kent John Edward 59066 Pte Kings L'Pool_R_4 (Ex Reserve) Rowley St 34
Kenway William   Master/Mech RN HMS_Motor_Boats Ormerod Rd 21
Kenyon Arthur 241200 Pte E Lancs_11 B/Coy (S) 94 Bde 31 Div Garstang St 27
Kenyon Arthur Edward 352267 Pte RAMC ELFA_1/2 TF 42 Div Spencer St 32* Formerly 150 Oxford Rd
Kenyon (James) Ellis 303 Pte East Lancs 1/5th Padiham
Kenyon John William 16366 Pte Scottish Rifles_10 (S)K-2 46 Bde 15 Div Grove St 2
Kenyon Joseph 15749 Pte E Lancs_11 (S) 94 Bde 31 Div Abbey St 9
Kenyon Luther 35403 Pte E Lancs_2 Hirst St 78
Kenyon Robert 28360 Pte KORLR Morpeth St 10
Kenyon T 7961 Pte E Lancs  
Kenyon Tom 294209 Pte RE 707 Thursby Rd 45
Keogh John William   Gnr RFA B/Bty_C/Sub 159 Bde 53 (Welsh) Div Broadley St 22
Kernick James Thomas 19744 L/Cpl KORLR 5_B/Coy TF Cricket St 7
Kerr George 310328 Pte Manchester R_2 Grey St 116
Kerr George Major 303238 Pte Manchester R_2 14 Bde 5 Div Parkinson St 63
Kerr Morris 302302 Gnr RFA Grey St 116
Kerrick John 20526 Pte Middlesex R_2 23 Bde 8 Div Ribblesdale St 14
Kerridge Samuel Thomas 65223 Bdr RGA Trafalgar St 68
Kerrigan Charles 1412 Dvr ASC Crowther St 57
Kerrigan Lawrence 574610 Pte Labour Corps_956 Abel St 74
Kerrigan Peter 22542 Pte Shropshire Lt_Inf_5 (S)K-1 42 Bde 14 Div Abel St 74
Kershaw Arthur 12950 Pte London R_2 (City of London)(Royal Fus) Queensbury Rd 19
Kershaw Arthur 90594 AM 3 RAF No_AD Napier St 11
Kershaw C 13600 Pte Coldstream Gds_1  
Kershaw David 31073 Pte E Lancs_11 Myers St 23
Kershaw Elizah 75183 Dvr RFA DHC_17 6 Div Hall St 20
Kershaw Emmanuel 22842 Pte RAMC Fld_Amb_134 Emily St 16
Kershaw Herbert 88446 Pte MGC Cog Lane_97
Kershaw Hubert 265286 Pte S Lancs Woodgrove Rd 57
Kershaw James 101953 Pte RAMC Waterloo Rd 57
Kershaw James 244873 Pte E Lancs_1/5 TF 126 Bde 42 Div Old Hall_St 7
Kershaw James 202303 Gnr RFA 337 Bde Myers St 13
Kershaw James Thomas 22843 Pte RAMC Barden Lane_95
Kershaw John 291124 Pte RE Riding St 21
Kershaw John 96476 Pte RAMC Gen_Hosp_43 Queensbury Rd 19
Kershaw John James 33827 Pte RAMC Coalclough Lane_121
Kershaw John James S/30083 Pte Cameron Highlanders_2 81 Bde 27 Div Coalclough Lane 167
Kershaw John William 22841 Pte RAMC Prov_Coy_No_2 Waterloo Rd 45
Kershaw Joseph 5743 Dvr RFA 69 Bde 23 Div Cog Lane 236
Kershaw Robert 138328 Gnr RFA North St 17
Kershaw Robert 127868 Pte Labour Corps_366 Hebrew Rd 8
Kershaw Samuel 217996 Pte Labour Corps Sandygate 84
Kershaw Samuel Bentley       High St 3
Kershaw Victor   Lieut/Col E Lancs_11 (S) Hoodhouse St 2
Kershaw William 55191 Pte MGC 25_Btn 7 Div Myers St 23
Kershaw Willie 216598 Pte RE Accrington Rd 528
Kerwin Albert 32498 Pte Bedford R_1 15 Bde 6 Div Princess St 9
Kerwin Harold 23941 Pte Coldstream Gds Hart St 34
Keys Clarance Wilfred 017809 Pte AOC Clough St 1a
Keys John Edward 7007 Pte SWB Mansergh St 24
Kidd Charles Auton L/296 Cpl RA Depot Abel St 119
Kidd Harold L/280 Gnr Ryland St 3  
Kilburn Alexander 61999 AM 1 RFC Warick St 10
Kilburn Hartley 48107 L/Cpl Northumberland Fus  
Killean William 303789 Pte Labour Corps Eliza St 23
Killian John 7509 Pte E Lancs_3 (Reserve)(Tees Garrison) Eliza St 23
Kilner Harold 146237 Pte Labour Corps_381 Heath St 32
Kilroy Thomas 19978 Pte RIF Fraser St 8
Kilvert A        
Kindall Patrick   Sgt RAMC  
King A 10898 Pte E Lancs  
King Albert Edward   AB RN HMS_Wireless_Station_Roseballe_S/Africa Hill Passage_6
King Arthur 179532 Gnr RGA Siegh_Bty_355 Olympia St 6
King Ernest 12589 Cpl E Lancs_6 38 Bde 13 Div Stafford St 34
King Ernest   Pte E Lancs Rectory Rd 28
King H 9543 Pte Seaforth Highlanders  
King Henry 36325 Pte Loyal NLR_6 Grey St 43
King J 8227 Pte E Lancs  
King James Edward 32214 Pte Shropshire Lt_Inf_1 16 Bde 6 Div Pollard St 13
King John 14787 Pte E Lancs_1/5 TF 126 Bde 42 Div Padiham Rd 71
King John 34304 Pte RE 1WD Bridge St 53
King John Butterworth 85919 Cpl Welsh R_2 3 Bde 1 Div Olympia St 6
King Nelson RX4210787 Pte ASC Remounts Hanover St 8
King Ralph 213289 Gnr RGA Coalclough Lane 65
King Samuel 131590 Pte E Lancs Padiham Rd 73
King Thomas Edward 7054 Pte E Lancs_1 11 Bde 4 Div Greenwood St 3
King Walter Barritt 22500 Pte Seaforth Highlamders_2 10 Bde 4 Div Lindsay St 60
King William 23326 Pte E Lancs_6 38 Bde 13 Div Keith St 23
Kinlin James T/3022599 Dvr ASC Zion St 14
Kinlin Thomas 258744 Dvr RFA Zion St 14
Kippax Arthur James 931714 Dvr RFA 418 Belverdere Rd 34
Kippax Edwin 202463 L/Cpl Cheshire R_1/4 TF 159 Bde 53 Div Briercliffe Rd 198
Kippax Frank 860245 Pte London R_33 (City of London)41 Bde 14 Div Briercliffe St 198
Kippax Joe 38612 Pte Labour Corps_81 25 Div Cleaver St 94
Kippax John 26083 Pte E Lancs Briercliffe Rd 317
Kippax John Hartley Hindle 527737 Cpl RAMC London_San_Coy_1 Marsden Rd 67
Kippax John Rennie 316353 L/Cpl Westmoreland &_Cumberland_Yeo_2/1 Slagg St 19
Kippax Tom 331974 Pte Labour Corps 5 Div Cleaver St 48
Kirby Edward 242897 Pte E Lancs_6 (S)K-1 38 Bde 13 Div Padiham Rd 67
Kirby Robert 146145 Pte Lan Fus_17 (S)(1 S/E Lancs)(Bantam) Albert St 11*Formerly 76 Caldervale Rd
Kirk Tom Harold 52601 Pte Manchester R_11 (S)K-1 34 Bde 11 Div Spencer St 10
Kirkbright James 360142 Pte Labour Corps_805 Leyland Rd 104
Kitch Walter 168926 Gnr RGA AA_Bty_No_16 Claughton St 8
Kitch William L/18593 Drv RFA Cog Lane 88
Kitching John 3974 Pte RM Drake_Btn_RND Rectory Rd 125
Kitto James John 59450 Pte Kings L'Pool_R_52* (Graduated)205 Bde 68 Div Robinson St 46
Kitto Joseph 19697 Pte E Lancs_9 (S)K-3 65 Bde 22 Div Robinson St 48
Knagg.   Observer RFC Linden St 21
Knight Alan   Gnr RGA Robinson St 139
Knight Arthur   Pte Durham Lt_Inf  
Knight Charles (Jun) 240123 Pte E Lancs_1/5 TF 126 Bde 42 Div C/Coy Crimshaw St 48
Knight E 9784 Pte E Lancs  
Knight John 130203 Pte MGC 6 2 Div Every St 124
Knight Louis 53143 Pte Cheshire R_9 (S)K-2 56 Bde 19 Div Ragland Rd 32
Knight P 4851 Cpl E Lancs  
Knight Percy 227113 Pte RE Hubie St 3
Knott J 6/11609 Pte E Lancs_6 (S)K-1 38 Bde 13 Div Burnley Rd 905
Knowles Albert 71299 Gnr RFA A_Bty_B/210_Bde 42 Div Coalclough Lane 255
Knowles Albert 9723 Pte Seaforth Highlanders_2 10 Bde 4 Div Sandygate 24
Knowles Arthur 60322 Pte Cheshire R_8 (S)K-1 40 Bde 13 Div Coalclough Lane 227
Knowles Arthur 69581 Pte RDC 267 Towneley St 25
Knowles Charles Richard S/3758 Cpl RM 63_RND Rawson St 16
Knowles Harry 41626 Pte Labour Corps_70 Parkinson St 56
Knowles Harry 22345 Pte E Lancs_1 11 Bde 4 Div Parkinson St 56
Knowles Henry Butterworth 174452 Gnr RGA Igtenhill Park_Lane 25
Knowles John Clare S/3073 Pte RM RND Igtenhill Park_Lane_25
Knowles Kyle (Jun) 41038 Pte Highland Lt_Inf_16(S)(2 Glasgow)97 B 32 Div Whittaker St 4
Knowles Robert William 15573 Pte E Lancs_11_B/Coy (S) 94 Bde 31 Div Parkinson St 51
Knowles Tom 180480 Gnr RGA Hornby St 18
Knowles Tom L/490 Sh/Smih RFA Section_2 Padiham Rd 744
Knowles Walter 63107 Pte RWF Branch Rd 84
Knowles William 2309308 Dvr RFA Res_Bty_62 Admiral St 11
Knowles William Henry 84933 Pte RAMC Gen_Hosp_28 Etaples Lyon St 25
Knowles Willie 229779 Dvr ASC MT Myers St 26